Occupation: Blacksmith
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
In the past, within the Heijend Clororence, there existed a divine forge where skilled dwarves crafted magical weapons for the gods. Among them, Bloom was renowned as the deity of craftsmanship, even among the skilled dwarves of the divine forge. However, when his apprentice, Karugo, stole a magical weapon and fled to Weidete, Bloom, in an attempt to rescue him, divulged the secrets of crafting magical weapons to Hakan, the ruler of Weidete. Despite Bloom's efforts, Karugo never returned, and as a consequence, Bloom, too, paid the price by sharing the secrets with Hakan. As punishment, he became a parasite in Weidete, bestowing peculiar and mystical abilities upon the visitors who came seeking him.
