Occupation: Storage
Gender: Male
Age: 17
He was once part of the aristocratic family but they were banished by King of Hatrel. Now he spends his life helping people and restoring his family pride and name.

Quests Given
Quest ID | Quest Title | Level | Given By | Experience | Woonz | Lore |
2002 | Go to the source of the problem | No Condition | Rhembard | 86496 | 44000 | 650 |
2210 | Rhembard's challenge | 100-130 | Rhembard | 54457 | 26000 | 490 |
2211 | Pride | No Condition | Rhembard | 47700 | 26000 | 490 |
2212 | Pride | No Condition | Rhembard | 63600 | 30000 | 520 |
2213 | Pride | No Condition | Rhembard | 79500 | 35000 | 540 |
2440 | Claw of Pellton | 110-140 | Rhembard | 133200 | 80000 | 720 |
2446 | Ashes of Khalthar for a bad back | 120-155 | Rhembard | 150000 | 60000 | 660 |
2456 | The Pungent smell | 161-161 | Rhembard | 100000 | 32000 | 660 |
2474 | Mellita's poison sting | 135-159 | Rhembard | 112800 | 38000 | 700 |