An urgent request
He's the one pressed for time, not me. Damn it¡¦order me around like that one more time and we'll see who's the boss. Let's go to Rangdel Fourth Floor and get 1 Heart of Ewealla and 2 Blood of Hautz. I'll need to hunt 10 Eweallas and 44 Hautz.
Given By

No Condition


Experience: 150000
Woonz: 100000
Lore: 750

1. Kill
2. Collect Quest Item
1 x Heart of Ewealla
3. Kill
4. Collect Quest Item
2 x Blood of Hautz
5. Deliver Quest Item
1 x Heart of Ewealla
6. Deliver Quest Item
2 x Blood of Hautz
Continuation Quests

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Hell Vonoy

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