Bow Archer Skills

Flame Arrow
A skill only known to the archers of Hatrel. The arrow, upon shooting off the bow, causes the friction between the arrowhead and surrounding air to combust dealing fire elemental damage on the target.

Stun Shot
Before shooting the arrow, the spirit of combat is being instilled onto the arrow to suppress the target’s morale, stunning the target momentarily. However, should the target be more powerful, this skill may have a negative effect endangering the life of the archer.

Chain Shot
This is a skill developed by the Legendary Archers of the Dragon Clan during the war against the Gods. Upon successful landing of the first arrow on the target, the archer fires another 2 extremely fast shots of magical arrow towards the enemy creating a multiple hit effect.

Arrow Storm
A skill only learnt by archers with adept magery. The castor can summon a small scale storm consisting of magical arrows above the enemy troops, together with the force of the storm, the arrows deals added damage on an area of targets.

Ultimate Whistle
Only the legendary archers may use this ultimate skill. The castor instills all his spirit of combat together with his fury of hatred towards the enemy, into the arrow dealing damage more then two times the normal attack!