2nd Hamutz
The Tower of Darkness, known as 'Hamutz', was the place where the special forces of Weidete, called Skurami (Heyshuren Division), who had a significant influence on the combat power of Rubal and the legendary knights, staged a stinking rebellion against the Lord of Weidete. Within this tower, one finds a haunting sight - walls adorned with skeletal knights donning ominous black armor, while skulls intricately woven with golden threads sway from the ceiling. Skurami, demonic entities loyal to the commands of Hakan, are tasked with safeguarding the Tower of Darkness. It's believed that during a celestial phenomenon known as the Mega Night, where the gravitational forces align the two moons and the sun with Hatrel, granting the sun a prolonged absence below the horizon once every millennium, the power of Skurami reaches its zenith. However, to find the Real Tower of Darkness where Hakan resides, one must pass through countless Fake Towers of Darkness. The 2nd Hamutz, serving as the secondary gateway following the 1st Fake Tower of Darkness, presents a formidable obstacle. It is inhabited by mongmas, entities that dominate human desires and consume souls, alongside potent combat units comprising half-human, half-horse monsters.
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